Setting Up:
Este was recruited to help chop about 100 very large onions. No cry babies here!
While I was sent to the butcher shop to ground 40 pounds of meat...

Why didn't we just have the wedding? My parents even bought a canoe just so they could fill it with ice and make it a salad bar. Sigh...
Couldn't wait to eat this goat! His name was Sam.
Bride-to-Be and Groom-to-Be are looking good in red! All others blended in the background with white. haha!
Is this Lili's husband?
NO. Is this Lili's husband?
No, again.

THERE he is!!!
More good times...

It was truly an amazing party and soooo much fun. Dad and I enjoyed every bit of it from preparation to the actual party. You guys deserve it. You cannot make us any more proud.Our special thanks to Mommy Joon and Baba Joon, our beautiful sisters and their extended family, our wonderful friends whose outpour of love and support still blows our minds away. You all looked incredible in your white outfits! Joy, we missed you. Let's get ready for Ava and Este's wedding. See you at the BEACH :)